Alpha is coming to Scampton.
Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith.
Each session has a short film around a different question, and is designed to create conversation.
There’s no pressure, no follow-up and no charge; it’s just an open, informal, and honest space to explore and discuss faith, life, and meaning together.
People come for lots of different reasons and Alpha is ideal for anyone asking questions about faith and interested in exploring ideas. It’s also good for new Christians, newcomers to church and those wanting to brush up on the basics.
It’s totally free and you’re not tied into anything – come and go as you please. The food is great so no need for any evening meal before you come!

Our next Alpha Course starts in early Spring 2024.

Anyone from 13 years old upwards.

Sue’s in Scampton.

The course is FREE.
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